Watch this video to learn how Nutritionist and Author, Trisha Mandes, MPHN, can help you 
Shed Pounds Sustainably 

Meet Nutritionist, Trisha Mandes' clients and their Shedding Pounds Sustainably successes.  
Will you be next? 

Vicki shed 24 lbs in 10 weeks at 70 years old and eliminated a diabetes medication...
Vicki Barnard, who is 70 years old, struggled with excess weight, type II diabetes, kidney disease, and more upon chatting with Trish. After 10 weeks of working with her, Vicki...

🔥 Shed 24 lbs without buying products, pills, counting, or weighing.
🔥 Eliminated long-lasting insulin (she has type II diabetes). Yay for getting off medication!
🔥 Eliminated her statin medication because her total cholesterol dropped to 99 mg/dL.
🔥 Kidney disease lab results IMPROVED!
🔥 Nearly eliminated her vertigo, which means she can do more things!
🔥 Is sleeping better.
🔥 Is eating potatoes, rice, corn, sweet potatoes, and pasta to achieve it!
🔥 Knows she can eat optimally for the rest of her life.

- Vicki Barnard, 70 years old, Retired Animal Control Officer, Deputy Sheriff Canine Officer
Cynthia Shed 82 Pounds in a year as a busy Finance Director...
Cynthia was 63 years old as a very successful and busy finance director. She wanted to shed pounds sustainably and had almost no hope in her ability to achieve that goal, despite being so successful in other areas of her life. She had tried every diet under the sun. She hired Trisha and here's what happened in 13 months. Cynthia...

🔥 Shed 82 lbs without attaching her worth to the scale!
🔥 Got off her Atorvastatin (cholesterol) medication.
🔥 Fasting blood glucose is now normal.
🔥 Reduced a blood pressure medication within 1 month of eating optimally.
🔥 Is no longer pre-diabetic! Her A1c is now 5.4, and her doctor said "keep up the great work!"
🔥 Is off her CPAP machine!
🔥 Goes to bed saying kind and encouraging things to herself like "I love you and I'm so proud of you," and wakes up with genuine joy in her heart (her favorite result).
🔥 Says "I have no doubt I can and will eat this way for the rest of my life."

- Cynthia, 63 years old, Finance Director, New York
Anita shed 100 lbs at 77 years old after working intensively with Trisha for just 10 weeks...

In her first 10 weeks, Anita shed 25 lbs.  Here's her original interview...

Anita, age 76, was sleeping in a neck brace for 20 years, utilizing a walker, and dealing with high blood pressure and thyroid issues. In just 9.5 weeks working with Trisha, Anita...

🔥 Lost 25 lbs in 9.5 weeks
🔥 No longer needs her neck brace to sleep in bc the pain is gone for the first time in TEN years!
🔥 Reduced her bp meds in half
🔥 Can walk more WITHOUT her walker!
🔥 And my favorite, she wants to keep eating optimally 🙂

- Anita, 76 years old, Wife, Florida

Craig Ness, the Director of the Public TV Show "Making It Grow," and his wife Sari, shed 52 pounds as a couple in their first 10 weeks.

Craig at 58 years old...

💛 Lost 30 pounds in 10 weeks without counting, weighing or measuring food and there’s no buying any weight loss pills, shots or products. He ate food that filled him up and supported his health!
💛 Regained his energy, improved his self esteem, and his ability to be active (more workouts!)
💛 His clothes keep getting smaller! Lol even his shirt in the video!

Sari at 55 years old...

💛 Lost 22 pounds in 9.5 weeks (woo hoo!)
💛 Loves to dance and can do 30 minute Zumba classes again! She’s shocked she’s looking forward to exercising now! She wouldn’t have believed that 10 weeks ago.
💛 She’s less critical of herself and is learning how to stop negative thoughts and turn her mentality around to help herself,

Linda shed 22 pounds in 11 weeks with Celiac's disease at 76 years old...
After 11 weeks of working with Trisha and following a personalized optimal diet for her condition, see what Linda accomplished even with Celiac's disease! This is truly remarkable (and a typical result in Trisha's program). Linda...

💛 Lost 22 lbs in 11 weeks
💛 Waist is down 5.5” inches and hips are down 3”
💛 No longer struggling from celiacs disease symptoms
💛 Has more energy than she’s had in years
💛 Her hands aren't swollen anymore! She can wear her tanzanite rings she hasn’t been able to wear in 10 years!
💛 No longer craves sugar or deserts 
💛 Has regained her social life and feels confident standing up for herself
💛 Feels full when she eats (yay for not pushing the plate away!)
💛 Regained her love of cooking 
💛 Lost her double chin within the first week
💛 Has been able to clean her house and declutter again
💛 Is exercising regularly 
💛 Looks forward to buying new clothes!

- Linda Shepard, 73 years old, New York

Karen shed 40 pounds in 6 months while eating optimally at 69 years old...
After 6 months of working with Trisha and eating optimally (a massive win in and of itself!), Karen...

🔥 Shed 40 lbs without buying products, pills, counting or weighing food. Amazing! 
🔥 Reduced her arthritis pain by 98%. Also -- amazing!
🔥 She's not scared of falling anymore when she walks so she's no longer moving in fear! 
🔥 Has increased energy to do everyday tasks around the house.
🔥 Can take long walks again with her husband to the lake!
🔥 Feels like she has her LIFE back.
🔥 Knows she can eat optimally for the rest of her life and loves what she's eating.

- Karen, 69 years old, Wife
Sharon eliminated 3 medications, knee pain and can exercise again in just 3 weeks of eating optimally!
Sharon, 64 years old, had been struggling with her diabetes and how she was feeling for years. She was on multiple medications and her doctor wanted to prescribe yet another – she was at her wits end. Sharon had tried various diets and treatments in the past, including gastric bypass surgery, but nothing had worked long-term. She felt hopeless. After seeing one of Trisha's Facebook posts, Sharon decided to give her a call, even though she was at the point of giving up. After just 3 weeks of eating optimally Sharon…

❤️ Eliminated three medications in 3 weeks! Two for diabetes and one blood pressure medication!
❤️ Shed 8 pounds and her husband lost 5!
❤️ Has a high energy level again. She’s walking almost daily again and isn’t just sitting around anymore
❤️ Is able to come home after a long day and isn’t tired. She’s fully energized, and able to stay up later.
❤️ Is no longer out of breath and can polish her toe nails again! 
❤️ Able to clean the whole house in 3 hours instead of taking her the whole day while having to sit and take breaks. 
❤️ No pain in her knees anymore! She doesn't have to pull herself up off the toilet or need the railing when going down the stairs anymore!
❤️ Friends are noticing saying she’s glowing! 

Sharon Faulkenberry, 64 years old, North Carolina, Retired 

More Shedding Pounds Sustainably Successes with Nutritionist, Trisha Mandes, MPHN...

Carla Rugg is 53 years old and came to Trisha almost giving up on losing weight, suffering from debilitating headaches.  Carla...

🔥 Lost 40 lbs in 20 weeks without counting calories or eating less. She’s just eating optimal foods and meals she loves!
🔥 Her daily headaches are gone! She doesn’t have to take over-the-counter pain relievers for them anymore.
🔥 No longer struggles with daily congestion.
🔥 She’s wearing her old, favorite clothes again that now fit again  and she's giving away her newest clothes because they’re too big now!
🔥 She’s eating optimally while traveling for work and exercising regularly again.
🔥 And my favorite... she feels like she's living her life again and not just existing.

- Carla Rugg, 53 years old, Tour Manager, California

Janet is 67 years old and came to Trisha with four autoimmune diseases, joint pain, pain when walking, and lung difficulties. In 10 weeks, Janet...

🔥 Got off 2 medications prescribed by her rheumatologist 
🔥 Cut her blood pressure medication in half!
🔥 Lost 13 lbs in 10 weeks without calorie counting, pills, portion control, etc. (no diet trap nonsense).
🔥 Lost 3 inches from her waist and 2.5 inches from her hips.
🔥 CPAP setting decreased from a 10 to a 7.
🔥 Eliminated the swelling in her hands. 
🔥 Her face isn't as puffy anymore, and she can see her jawline again.
🔥 Her abdomen isn’t as hard anymore, and it’s not as uncomfortable as before eating optimally; it’s also flatter.
🔥 Hand pain reduced from a 5/6 to a 3 after just 3 weeks.
🔥 Has regained energy; some days she doesn't need daily naps.
🔥 Is exercising again! She was in too much pain with not enough energy to exercise before the program.
🔥 And my favorite... she feels like she's living her life again!

Janet said, "Working with you, Trisha, is one of the biggest life-saving things I've ever done." ❤️

- Janet H. Matos Ford, 67 years old, retired, Wife, San Antonio, Texas
Shelley came to Nutritionist, Trisha Mandes as an amputee to help her shed pounds sustainably and gain energy.  Here's what Shelley accomplished eating optimally and working with Trisha in 8.5 weeks!  

🔥 Shed 18 lbs without counting, weighing or measuring food and without pills or products either! Just from eating optimally :)
🔥 Got off a pain medication
🔥 Reduced her antidepressant medication
🔥 Got off a bp medication in 3 weeks
🔥 Is getting up at 7-8 am instead of 12 pm
🔥 Is making breakfast for herself again and can now do chores around the house when she wasn't able to do almost anything other than go to the bathroom because it would be so hard
🔥 Is traveling and socializing outside the house
🔥 AND... to use her words... she can see her crotch again! Lol yay!!

- Shelley Fredericks, 67 years old, Wife
Debbie White and John White came to Trisha in their late 60s with a mix of weight, health, and diabetes concerns.  In 10 weeks of eating optimally John... 

🧡 Reduced his A1c from 7.3 to 6! That's a non-diabetic A1c! Seriously that's A-MAZING!  
🧡 The MD reduced his insulin twice! Yay for less meds! 
🧡 Lowered his fasting blood sugar from 170-300 mg/dL to 99-130 mg/dL
🧡 Lost 18 lbs!

And Debbie... 
🧡 Shed 11 lbs after a 4 month plateau were she was hardly eating before the joined the program. She's eating and losing more!
🧡 Doesn't need to use her cane anymore! In fact, she was chainsawing a lot during her time with Trisha! 
🧡 Her mobility and energy has improved: she can now go up the stairs with every other foot (before she use to have to take each step with 2 feet per step)

- Debbie and John White, Married Couple, Pennsylvania
Just before Jane began working with Trisha, she was diagnosed with Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome and could only walk 6-10 ft before being out of breath. At 58, weighing 292 lbs for years, and having been diabetic for 20 years, she described herself as 'miserable... I felt like I was just surviving and not living.' Despite doctors urging her to lose weight for decades, she had tried every diet under the sun with no success.

So she hired Trisha as her Nutritionist, despite feeling doubt. Jane said, 'I didn't think anything would work because I had tried everything, but Trish said, "this is possible, and you can do it this way, and I'll show you how."' So she signed up.

After eating optimally for 25 weeks, Jane is...

🔥 Down 27 lbs in 25 weeks despite not being able to exercise when she started with Trisha.
🔥 Her A1c went from 7.4 to 6.5 in 4 months, and her fasting blood sugar dropped from 160 to 115 mg/dL.
🔥 Got off a statin medication, 
🔥 Reduced her blood pressure medication by half
🔥 Is on 50% fewer meds than when she started.
🔥 'I have finally won the war over food. I feel like I have my life back.'
🔥 'I can do this for the rest of my life. I know how to take care of myself now, and I'm also not an emotional eater anymore. My confidence is back!'"

- Jane, 58 years old, Library Director, New York, Married
Janet Ford came to Trisha at 67, battling four autoimmune diseases. She was in excruciating pain, leading to a debilitating depression. She felt hopeless, overwhelmed by pain, lacking energy, and struggling to keep up with her family. Janet was overweight and taking about 15 medications daily! Here's what Janet achieved after working with Trish for 10 weeks and then continuing to eat optimally on her own 8 months later! Janet...

 ❤️ Lost 25 pounds!
 ❤️ Reversed her fatty liver within 5 months!
 ❤️ Eliminated 5 medications with her doctors
 ❤️ Reduced her pain down to a 2 or a 3 compared to a 7-10!
 ❤️ Wakes up and feels ready to tackle her day (vs needing to sleep in  and feeling sluggish)
 ❤️ Can go camping, fishing and hiking again and ENJOY it!
 ❤️ Feels confident making optimal recipes even while camping 
 ❤️ Is able to exercise regularly with ease
 ❤️ LOVES what she is eating and feels full and satiated

- Janet H. Matos Ford, 67 years old, retired, San Antonio, Texas

"It's been easier and more beneficial than I anticipated."

💛 "I don’t feel hungry and that’s a big deal for me.
💛 "I don’t crave sweets eating optimally and I’m not binging which also means I don’t feel guilty either."
💛 "I haven’t seen the 220s on the scale in 6 years and I achieved that eating optimally within two weeks. I ended 6 years of struggle in two weeks."  
💛 "I’m more regular with my digestion (daily)"

- Brenda Williams, 71 years old
"I thought it was going to be difficult but it wasn't because I still was able to eat the things I like.”

Christine Lee, who is 67 years old, came to me with trouble sleeping, a lack of energy, and struggling with being able to lose weight for 10+ years. After 22 weeks of working with Nutritionist Trisha Mandes, Christine…

💛 Lost 24 lbs in 22 weeks from eating more food including potatoes (that she loves!)
💛 Has had the most significant weight loss she has had in over 10 years!
💛 Waking up well rested again and is sleeping longer each night (5-7 hours a night vs 2-3 hours before eating optimally).  
💛 Back to line dancing again which she loves!
💛 Back to “regular sized” clothing (no more 1x or 2x)
💛 Is excited to get dressed up again and feels cute in her clothing!

- Christine Lee, 67 years old, Program Manager at Penn University, Philadelphia, PA

 "Working with you, Trisha, is one of the biggest, life-saving things I've ever done." 
- Janet H. Matos Ford, 67 years old, retired, San Antonio, Texas
"I have finally won the war over food. I feel like I have my life back."
- Jane, Library Director, Married, New York, after reducing her meds 50% and shedding 27 lbs
"This is more sustainably than Weight Watchers.  I'm now down 100 pounds! I know I'll keep this off forever. I've finally figured it out."  
- Anita S, 76 years old, Florida
“If I hadn’t found you Trisha - I don’t know where I would be today.” 
Linda Shepard, 73 years old, New York
Optimal Eater that shed 22 pounds in 11 weeks and more.
“I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel because I'm shedding the weight, exercising, and I'm regaining that energy that I've lacked.” 
- Craig Ness, South Carolina, down 30 lbs in 10 wks
“Any time I’ve tried a diet, my husband was against it but not with optimal eating - he loves it! Plus he lost 5 pounds in 3 weeks!”
- Sharon Faulkenberry, 64 years old, North Carolina, Retired 
"I cant believe I'm seeing results as fast as I'm seeing them after I've struggled for years. I'm just 12 pounds away from fitting into my wedding dress. I feel more confident in the bedroom with my husband and I have to buy a new bathing suit. I no-longer dread wearing one anymore! I'm also sleeping through the night and wake up rested when I was an awful sleeper for years."
- Michelle Berry, Human Resources, Married, South Carolina
Christine has lost 20 pounds in just two months of working with Trisha. There was not any counting calories, controlling portions, or dieting. Her systolic blood pressure has dropped 20 points, and she's eager to visit her doctor to discuss getting off her medications. She enjoys her new eating habits, has the energy to walk her dog, and is excited to start exercising. For the first time in her life, she's confident she can maintain this healthy lifestyle because she's made a sustainable change, not just a temporary diet.

- Christine, 67 years old, Retired Guidance Councilor, New York
"I lost 19 pounds in 7 weeks, I'm exercising again and I love how I feel. I haven't lost this much weight in the last 10 years! And I've tried many diets. Eating optimally is easy and I eat foods that I like. It's really life changing all thanks to Trish. My husband is even excited to eat with me and he's excited for us too."
- Tammy Welge, 55 years old, Married, Virginia Beach
At 58, Terri had tried every diet imaginable, but her weight remained a struggle. Her doctor was even considering diabetes medication. Despite vowing to never spend money on dieting again, she invested in Trisha as her personal Nutritionist... Terri lost 23 pounds in just 10 weeks, exclaiming, "I feel amazing! My clothes are looser, I feel healthier, it doesn't feel like a diet, I even lost weight while traveling (five trips during the program!), and I know I can keep this up on my own. The program's support is fantastic."

- Terri Buckmaster, 58 years old, Clerk-Treasurer, Indiana
A Quick Overview Of Working With Nutritionist and Author, 
Trisha Mandes, MPHN

Here are 
The Four Major Steps Trisha will personally coach you through as your Nutritionist, one-on-one accountability coach, and your number one cheerleader to help YOU: 
Shed Pounds Sustainably...

1. Individualized Optimal Eating Plan

Grounded in science, and over a decade of experience as a Nutritionist, Trisha will put a specific and unique eating plan in place with you that's optimized to your goals, diagnosis, tastebuds and lifestyle.  There's no counting calories (or counting of anything!), no weighing, measuring, portion control, no pills, products and no meals to buy.  This makes achieving and maintaining your results SUSTAINABLE.
2. Habit-Based Lifestyle Change

You'll learn every skill needed to shed pounds sustainably LONG-TERM no matter where you are or what you're doing.  You're going to be LIVING MORE while you work with Trisha.  You'll practice these new habits repeatedly, with her tailoring them to your unique needs.  Then, they become a lifestyle change and then you don't even need to THINK about food anymore.  It's just how you then show up for yourself.  You'll be able to shed pounds sustainably amongst eating at restaurants, hosting guests, when you don't feel like cooking, when you do feel like cooking, while traveling and more!  
3. Cognitive and Emotional Rewiring

Together you and Trisha will identify sabotaging thoughts -- thoughts that if we ACT on them (that give us permission to engage in behaviors that don't help you Shed Pounds Sustainably. Then, you and Trisha will craft empowering responses -- more rational, encouraging and compassionate self-talk so you act in alignment with Shedding Pounds Sustainably and you don't sabotage yourself instead.
4.  Individualized Fitness Plan

Within six weeks, you're going to feel like a different person -- more energized, lighter, in less pain and more confident. It'll be SO much easier move more in six weeks than it is now.  Together as a team, you and Trisha will put a customized fitness plan in place that's tailored to your new current abilities, then you'll decide when, where and what time you'll complete your movement plan.  Guess who will be holding you accountable to it and teaching you how to hold yourself accountable to build your new and effective movement habits?  That's right, Trisha :) 

Book a personal call with Nutritionist, Trisha Mandes, MPHN and see what results are possible for you and if/how she can get you there...

Copyright 2024, Trisha Mandes, Int. 

DISCLAIMER: The results stated on this page and discussed in the above training are from results achieved from actual clients and from research studies (in the webinar replay). Their success do not mean you will achieve the same exact success. Client's successes are based on their current diagnosis, how much weight they have to lose, current medications etc. To find out what results are possible for you, please sign-up for a complimentary consult call. Nutritionist, Trisha Mandes, MPHN will give you an honest answer.